Miles Scott is a 5-year-old brave little boy with leukemia who has always wanted to be a superhero like Batman. In order to make his dream come true, The Make-A-Wish foundation along with the city of San Francisco, thousands of volunteers, TV crews, and even President Obama teamed up to transform mild mannered Miles into Batkid (Our new favorite superhero)! His mission? To save San Francisco from the villainous schemes of the likes of The Penguin and even the Riddler. Follow his journey via these 25 heroic photographs of BatKid! (Our New Favorite Hero). And Batkid, if you’re reading this know that in our eyes, you have always been a hero.
25 It all starts with a plea for help
The day begins with a breaking news broadcast (yes a real one) asking for the whereabouts of Batkid.
24 A new Hero is born
5 year old Miles Scott puts on his gear, ready to fight crime.
23 Ready for Action
With Batman by his side and an incredible looking Batmobile, Batkid is ready to take on crime.
22 Batkid to the rescue!
Batkid arrives in his awesome Batmobile followed by Batman to save a young woman’s life.
21 Batkid prepares a plan
20 A grand entry
Everybody cheers for the new hero on the streets as BatKid makes his grand entry.
19 And away he goes
17 Quickly, disable the bomb!
16 Damnsel in distress
No time to rest as Batkid saves a damsel from a bomb.
15 This is just the begining
With the damsel saved, it’s off to the next threat.
14 The Riddler himself!
13 Evil is apprehended
The Batkid, with tactics that only Batman could match, puts an end to the Riddler’s villainous scheme.
12 With the villain behind bars, it was time for some lunch
11 Crime fighting can sure make someone hungry
His favorite meal? Hamburger and fries.
10 No time to rest
The Penguin is up to no good by kidnapping San Francisco Giants’ mascot Lou Seal.
9 Lou Seal is saved!
Of course the penguin was no match for Batkid, who successfully saved Lou seal (earning the boy wonder a HUGE hug).
7 Its no wonder people love BatKid
5 Every hero needs a sidekick
4 Keys to the city
For saving the city, Batkid gets the keys to the city…
3 With perks!
2 Behold the new hero in town!
Villains beware!
1 Thank you Batkid!
25 Heroic Photographs Of BatKid! Our New Favorite Superhero

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